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  • Dissertation Substitution

  • When an additional 9 credits from dissertation alternatives are taken instead of the dissertation during the course of the master’s program, a master's degree can be obtained without submitting a dissertation.
  • Applications regarding dissertation substitution are possible from the 3rd term and must be made within the fixed period of the relevant semester.
  • At the time of application, the qualification for submission of a dissertation of a degree shall be established(Completion of credits for master's degree program to be obtained at this term, grade point average of B (3.0) or higher, passes major examinations).
  • Applications regarding dissertation substitution are approved by the dean after confirmation from the dissertation advisor and the head of the major program.
  • When dissertation substitution is approved, students cannot reverse this and then submit the dissertation.
  • In order to receive dissertation substitution credits, all of the grades of the dissertation substitution course must be at least B (3.0).
  • In case of dissertation substitution, the student shall not take the dissertation guidance course.
  • The course already completed in the period cannot be recognized as a dissertation-alternative course.