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  • Return of Tuition Fee

A. Reason for return

  • When tuition is overpaid (full refund of overpaid amount).
  • When one is unable to enroll (including re-admission and transfer. Hereinafter referred to as below) or continue studying according to the law.
  • When the person who has been admitted indicated the intention to withdraw.
  • When the enrolled student indicates his/her intention to drop out.
  • When a student who is on a leave of absence has been expelled for not returning to school.
  • When a student does not enroll or does not continue the study due to illness, death, natural disaster, or other unavoidable reason.

B. Return criteria

  • A full refund of tuition paid will be provided if the reason for return is received by the day before the semester start date (admission date for enrolled student) (In case of freshmen, the entrance fee is included).
  • The admission fee will not be returned if a reason for return occurs after the start date of the semester.
    About the amount of tuition refund by reason of return
    Occurrence date of reason for return Repayment amount
    Within 30 days
    of the commencement date
    of the semester
    Five-sixths of the tuition fee
    After 30 but within 60 days
    of the commencement date
    Two-thirds of the tuition fee
    After 60 but within 90 days
    of the commencement date
    Half of the tuition fee
    90 days after the start
    of the semester
    No return
  • When admission is canceled due to misrepresentation, forgery, or misrepresentation of academic background or entry documents, the tuition fee paid will not be returned. However, if the semester in which the tuition fee is paid is not completed, the tuition fee will be returned according to the criteria in the table above (Admission fee will not be returned).

C. Return procedure

  • In cases of abandonment of admission, application for abandonment of admission (with confirmation from the head of the major program), and drop out, the amount is returned to the account submitted in accordance with the tuition return criteria when both a letter of withdrawal (with confirmation from the head of the major department and assistant director) and a copy of the individual's bank account are submitted.