
  • Home
  • Graduation
  • Dissertation
  • Procedure for Dissertation Submission

  1. Application and assignment of thesis advisor
    (1st semester)
  2. Major exam
    (from 3rd semester)
  3. Open presentation of dissertation for degree (valid for up to 5 consecutive semesters, including the semester in which one passes the public presentation)
  4. Submission and review
    of the dissertation
  5. Final submission of dissertation
    (hardcover dissertation and original file)
  6. Degree awarded
    (February/August every year).

A. Submission and Examination Process of the dissertation for the degree

  • A person who wishes to submit a dissertation for the master’s degree must submit three copies of the dissertation for review to the administration office, along with the list of judges and the examination fee, within the designated period during the semester of dissertation submission. A person who wishes to submit a dissertation for the doctoral degree must submit 5 copies of the dissertation for review to the administration office, along with the list of judges and the examination fee, within the designated period during the semester of dissertation submission.
  • The dissertation should be written in Korean or English. When writing in Korean, an English abstract should be attached in addition to the Korean abstract. When writing in English, a Korean abstract must be attached in addition to the English abstract.
  • Dissertation reviewers consist of 3 or more reviewers for master's degrees and 5 or more for doctoral degrees. Of the full-time faculty or domestic or foreign scholars, reviewers are determined by the dean in accordance with the recommendation of the dissertation advisor. At this time, the number of external reviewers should be less than 2.
  • Regarding the dissertation evaluation, a student passes when he/she scores 80 or more out of 100 and is approved by two-thirds of the reviewers.
  • The dissertation examination chairman shall submit the dissertation review result report showing the pass or fail result to the dean after reviewing the dissertation.

B. Final submission of dissertation

1) Required documents
  • Library: Hardcover dissertation and original file, permission to use the dissertation, confirmation of submission of the original file of the dissertation
  • Administration Office: Printout of dissertation submission confirmation, original PDF file of the dissertation
2) Submission of the original file of the dissertation
  • Kyung Hee University library homepage( > RESEARCH > refer to dissertation submission
  • If questions arise, please contact the Central Library Periodical Office (2F) 031-201-3223